Twitch Raid

A raid sends everyone on your channel page at the time of the raid to the target channel. If you're offline at the time of the raid, your channel will also host the target channel. 

To start a raid, type /raid followed by the name of the channel you wish to raid. For example, to raid the TwitchPresents channel, you'd type /raid TwitchPresents. Alternatively, click the Raid Channel quick action on your dashboard to select a channel from the suggested list or search for a channel. 

A pop up at the top of the chat tracks the number of participants in a raid and the countdown to the raid start. After 10 seconds (or when everyone's ready to go), click Raid Now to redirect everyone on your channel page to the target channel. If Cancel or Raid Now is not clicked before the purple countdown bar at the bottom depletes, the raid will automatically begin.

You can raid any channel you want. Raiding your peers can be an easy way to share audiences and raiding a smaller streamer just might make their day!

How to Use Raids